Curious thing about this human condition. We have both the wisdom within (following our gut, our own intuitive knowing) AND sometimes we need help from outside ourselves (from one another).
The body is self healing and when we listen to our body, it can provide insights that can result in relief from pain and suffering that meds just can’t. It could be simple, but is not always nor often, easy. And it is also true that we need help from others now and then. We were never meant to live in isolation or as a hermit. Not to deny that a few souls may come to try out extreme isolation, remoteness or independence. The majority of humans however are here to be part of a larger family, community, the largest of which is humanity itself. Ever notice that simply calling a doctor for an apt. often is immediately proceeded with feeling better? This has to do with the energy shift from fear of a disturbance (sickness, pain etc.) to hope, slight relief or dialing down of the fear energy. You perceive that you are on your way to receiving some kind of help, support, fix, answers or what have you. It is also at the base of why the placebo effect is a real phenomena. When people believe that they will be helped by a pill, even if the pill given them is really a sugar pill and contains nothing of the supposed helping ingredient, they experience relief and healing. Measurable healing! Not just self reported. I am excited to say that we are well on our way to being able to grasp this and use this to our betterment. It is a mind over matter kind of thing. Our minds are powerful and sometimes, to our own detriment, we focus entirely on the thinking mind and value that at the expense of listening to the other signs offered. Those may be more like a subtle knowing, a feeling, or a sensation in the body, that we ignore in place of listing to our thoughts, others, the internet, etc. But greater and greater attention and awareness has been shared recently, backed by quantum science and new sciences like epigenetic, that have shown why phenomenon’s such as the placebo effect and beliefs are more a determinant of a persons relationship to their gene expression and thus health than even heredity. Scientists such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and my teacher Dr. Sue Morter and others, have shared with the world their findings with regards to our own abilities to heal and the role our beliefs play. I wont try to relay their teachings here, as I am no scientist, but their message of self empowered healing can be found in their books, on YouTube and their websites. My favorites include: Dr. Joe Dispenza’s books “Becoming Supernatural” and “You are the Placebo” Dr. Bruce Lipton’s book “The Honeymoon Effect” Dr. Sue Morter’s book “The Energy Codes” So even though I am a remote healer and am a facilitator/teacher and experiencer myself of Dr. Sue’s Energy Codes work, sometimes I need others help. Once in a while it is simply to trigger my own awareness of what needs to be done or at times, provide the relief through the practices they offer. It is sometimes a relief to bring an issue to someone else, such as my acupuncturist or holistic health provider, and know that I will receive support and relief from something I just can’t seem to shake. We are very capable and do a lot for ourselves. But we don’t live in a vacuum. We also long for connection. However, relying on others for most all our health and well being, is the same as ignoring or giving a great power away. And often this goes along with wanting that quick fix, a pill, but no change in our behavior, habits, or beliefs. Such as - give me a pill so I can continue to not exercise, snack on junk, order my daily favorite high sugar caffeine drink with whipped cream, etc. = it is good we are both needed, needy and can also take care of ourselves. Balanced and organized I’d say. Perfect really. Free will! So do what you can, heal what you can, do the self care, explore the self help, gain wisdom from learning and also ask for help, connection and love! It is all good in balance! I embed love into this message for your own highest good, and internal knowing. Loving this journey - together!
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AuthorBringer of Light and Love. Transformation Facilitator. Lover of Mother Earth & Nature Archives
January 2025