Is money the root of all evil? It can seem like that sometimes. Money issues can tear apart families and close relationships, cause imbalances in organizations, society and harm the planet. How did it get to be such a touchy subject? How or when did we let money run our lives? And why do we use money as a value system?
If something costs more, it must mean it is more worthwhile having, or that whom ever has/does that, must be successful, doing well, and often held with higher regard, right? What should be a choice to value from our deeper knowing or desires for not only ourselves, but for society, often gets overridden by the ego, societal norms and conditioning. Not what is truly meaningful to our soul. We earn money to not only cover our basic needs, but to have enough left over to do the things that make life worth living. That could be vacations, activities, hobbies, creative pursuits and just being able to enjoy a meal or a movie out with those we enjoy being with. What happens when we don’t earn enough for that, or worse, even for our basic needs? We have witnessed what happens and it is not pretty. Why is it that humans are the only species on the planet that “need” money? Every other creature (other than domesticated animals) find what they need without a job, bank account or cash or even the need for a barter system. This struck me recently as a bit odd. Aren’t we the “advanced” ones on this planet? How did we get so dependent on paper we printed? Look at the homeless epidemic right now. I marvel at a homeless man in my community who is quite clearly filthy, sits in the rain and cold, and relies on the Universe via the goodness of others each day. Although I can’t imagine what is going on inside of him, what ever it is, he persists in living. He is likely beyond worrying about money itself. He may worry about eating that day. Or the weather, and how he will stay warm or any number of things. But money itself is probably off the table. I have an abundance of wealth compared to him. And yet I worry about money. Intriguing. How can I better trust in the Universe; trust in the moment? I sat down this morning to do some automatic writing. If you don’t know what that is, I invite you to listen to my short description of it on youtube, but in a nut shell, it is where you relax your thinking mind, sit down and write and don’t stop for about 2-4 pages worth. You want to keep your pen flowing without editing or trying too hard to think about what you are writing. Often you ask a question of the Universe, your higher self, Source, God, whom ever you reach out or pray to. It gets easier to trust that it is not your mind thinking it all after you have practiced a bit. For me, I know it is not my logical mind because what comes out is often not what I would have said. Or it is said in a much different way, using some terms I rarely use. Today I asked about money. I am feeling very pinched right now, in a way that I have not in a long time. What came through was not exactly what I was expecting. It was helpful and beyond the ego’s need for answers, safety, a plan etc. But it was soothing to me all the same. I recorded it and you can check it out below. I am curious about your thoughts. Why do you think we have evolved to rely on money? How might the world be different if we didn’t? Can we even imagine such a world? Could we try?
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AuthorBringer of Light and Love. Transformation Facilitator. Lover of Mother Earth & Nature Archives
January 2025