Although I still remember when my elementary school classmates and I walked through the traveling King Tut exhibit in the 1970’s, a trip to Egypt was never been on my bucket list. Nor have I been fascinated with the stories of the gods and goddesses, kings and queens of ancient Egypt. History was actually my least favorite subject in school. Yet I felt a call to say yes to a tour to Egypt’s great temples and pyramids offered by Dr. Sue Morter. So I signed up.
It was totally out of my comfort zone to do this. Some of my family and friends were like - you are going where and why? I didn’t have an answer other than I got a strong “knowing” to say yes to this particular tour. And that it was with Dr. Sue and so I trusted that. And boy am I glad I did! It was an amazing experience. I learned a lot about ancient Egypt but mostly I learned about myself. Through opening to something totally unlike me, and having very few expectations for the trip, I trusted fully and just let it flow. And it unfolded beautifully. Maybe it was easier because I had not been dreaming of such a trip for most of my life or anything significant other than I listened to the yes and responded to it. I knew I was in good hands, so it wasn’t extremely hard to trust that the trip would be good. I was going to be with Dr. Sue after all! Every detail was attended to, beginning with being met at the airport in Cairo. Things went smoothly and all the guides and coordinators handled things brilliantly. Choices of locations, lodging, transportation was top notch. Visiting the temples, pyramids and sacred sites was both amazing and at times overwhelming. So much history, facts, stories, reasons for this and that, conquering nations changing them etc. and then there was the sites themselves. Both inside and out, the architecture, the giant statues and columns, the carvings, the hieroglyphs, and the stories the pictures told. At times I could only take in a small amount. But I did what I could and didn’t let myself feel bad when I had to say enough and tune some of it out. Then there were the felt sensations. I felt different energies at various sites. Some I didn’t feel much or even anything at all. Some were significant. At Karnak Temple in Luxor, it felt like my body was deep into the earth, maybe up to my knees or so even as I walked. I felt condensed, but not in a heavy, negative or uncomfortable way. It was the most tangible feeling of being grounded and connected to the earth I have ever experienced. At another I felt a tingling vibration all over my body while I was there. And at a Coptic church in Cairo I felt a different kind of condensed, but again not in a scary or heavy way. I felt a little woozy but more my mind interpreted it that way than I was actually unsteady on my feet. It was pretty neat to experience something so tangible in my body and very site specific. Dr. Sue offered her take on things, based on her experiences and the energies she had and was experiencing, which usually dug a little deeper rather than the surface level explanations for things. I enjoyed that part the most, as I have never been a history buff. But bigger picture and human relating, and the heart are all things I am able to focus on. I brought back with me a deeper interpretation of the history or the origin of these great places. There is much more there than what was taught in history class. We tend to regurgitate what we were first taught without questioning. Now I am questioning. I also returned with the memory of the proud people who were always kind, engaging and open with our group. They met our gaze and were genuinely interested in us. The young kids especially. Unexpectedly, they would wave like mad at our tour buses and even asked for selfies with us at a park we walked through. What beautiful people who love their home. I am grateful for the experiences that I had. And I believe that it all went so smoothly because I kept expectations, needs and desires to a minimum, listened to a yes, ignored the critic and fear monger in my head, and went for it. While I may not know all the reasons I was meant to go, nor fully appreciate yet all the benefits that are likely to unfold, it feels amazing to have trusted and relaxed into the flow of it all. I return feeling lighter, younger, and less fearful of the unknown. I intend to continue to bring these feelings with me into the future and step with grace and ease when ever something comes up that I am not sure how to navigate yet I get a strong pull towards. Pausing and tuning into my heart, my inner knowing, even if the mind is confused, turned out wonderfully. How have you, will you or are you, listening to the inner yes? Big or small, please share with me! I would love to hear it.
1 Comment
Nancy Swenson
11/23/2024 12:05:29 pm
Lovely travel journey from Egypt! Thanks for your insight and experience you have shared. It reminds me to live in the moment as we stay in the flow and find our right choices. For me, I find it hard to choose between two options sometimes. Often without knowing which one is the best choice for me. Maybe there is not a perfect choice so it’s frustrating. I hope I get the opportunities to make plans for a spontaneous trip to fun and exciting place.
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AuthorBringer of Light and Love. Transformation Facilitator. Lover of Mother Earth & Nature Archives
January 2025