Did you know? Food waste actually has a more significant impact on our environment than fossil fuels? And that you CAN make a difference?
Rotting food in our garbage cans, and then landfills, waste not only all the energy and water it took to grow, harvest, transport, sell and buy it, but it also produces methane as it rots. Methane is a greenhouse gas even more potent than carbon dioxide. Human-caused greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced if we reduce wasting food (buy only what you need and can eat, freeze stuff before it goes bad, eat up leftovers etc.) and if we compost our food scraps and waste instead of tossing them into the garbage. According to the World Wildlife Fund, in the US alone, the production of lost or wasted food generates the equivalent of 32.6 million cars' worth of greenhouse gas emissions! Subpod, the makers of tools for composting and vermicomposting (worm bins) for apartment dwellers and home owners alike, is rocking the common person's ability to do something about it. They just came out with a new grow bag! I bought my daughter a worm bin for Christmas for use at her apt. But we quickly realized that the neat metal surround that she also got to place it in, make it look nice and give the worms somewhere to move about plus grow some herbs etc., was not going to work. Her patio is cement tiles, and that metal surround had no bottom! And their cedar box on legs was a little pricey for her taste, especially since she didn't know how long she would be at that apt. and it might be so heavy once filled with dirt, to move easily. Never fear! Along comes some new grow bags! They can be used to grow veggies, flowers etc., but also a subpod mini will fit inside! Happy dance! I hope you will read on and consider how you can make a big difference in reducing greenhouse gases on the planet. I am sharing this myth bust from Subpod then click the link below to read the full story: Myth: There’s no point in composting if you don’t have a garden Composting is one of the easiest ways you can cut your carbon footprint and help reduce the impact of the food waste problem. If just 1% of people living in cities worldwide started composting, it would have the same environmental impact as planting a 3.5 million acre forest. If that's not enough of an incentive alone, starting a worm farm like Subpod can even help you make a few bucks, since gardeners in your neighborhood might be willing to pay for a few bags of compost – or even some worms to get their own compost started! CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE
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AuthorBringer of Light and Love. Transformation Facilitator. Lover of Mother Earth & Nature Archives
January 2025