I wanted to share something sweet. There is a website curated with good news. It is called Reasons to be Cheerful. The tag line is: Tonic for tumultuous times
We are bombarded with negativity. And yet there are many things to celebrate in our world. Yes, there is much to be bummed about too. But where we put our attention, our energy, we support or even grow. The news and even Youtube and social media, is about getting your attention quick for your clicks to find out more reasons to be shocked! Our brains are wired to be alert for danger. We must make an effort to seek out the calm, the sweet, the beautiful and support and grow that too. Again, where our attention goes, energy flows. Think about when you feel a certain way, especially in an extreme, don't you then notice a lot more confirmations of that, whether that be wanted or unwanted? Thinking people are mean and greedy will often cause more mean and greedy folks to cross your path. Feeling a love of neat sports cars, you seem to see more of them on the road that day! Or loving good deals at the store. Try setting an intention before you shop. I did this today before going into the thrift store. I stated that I would find perfect items I needed (nothing super specific) at great prices. (Because let's face it, even thrift store prices have gone way up.) Well I found some great items, some for 90 cents! I have rarely been so successful at one thrift store little-lone two in a row! So seek out and surround yourself with more good news, more loving and hopeful things. Notice pretty flowers, cute dogs, cool clouds, sweet butterflies and let yourself feel the joy they create in you and bring that forward into the next moment and the next and even the next! And check this site out and maybe even subscribe to get the occasional email with new cheerful stories, right in your inbox. I bet there are a lot of negative emails in your box. Why not add one that is not?! https://reasonstobecheerful.world/
You can make a difference in reducing harmful greenhouse gases every single day by reducing or eliminating throwing food into the garbage and thus landfills. Tossed out food is a waste of your money and the energy that produced it and brought it to your table as well as stored it in your fridge or freezer. Please consider how you might let less food get to the point of tossing it out, and when you do need to, place it in a compost or worm bin instead of the garbage can. Check out my short video below with suggestions and comment here or on my Youtube channel if you have ideas, questions or wish to share what you do to waste less food. We can all do this! Thank you in advance for your time and effort, because it is estimated that a 60% reduction in food waste translates to a 7% reduction in total greenhouse gas emissions. That is big!
https://youtu.be/3KvMYu2BNFo I was writing the word Busyness. I struggle with spelling and I first put the letter i in place of the y. Then I saw it - that spells business! 🤔Hmmm. Is that really what we want in our companies, shops and workplace - always with so much to do? It is good to have things going on and things to do, especially when that means customers, connections, profit and that we are getting our offering out into the world. But busyness is about excess, a bit too much, leaving little room for quiet space, being in the moment, creative time... Interesting is it not?
AuthorBringer of Light and Love. Transformation Facilitator. Lover of Mother Earth & Nature Archives
January 2025