Not only can I eat the pasta made with Italian flour from Wildly Beloved Foods, these pasta all taste amazing! With so few ingredients, it leads me to believe there is more to the story.
Everything is made of energy. Everything IS energy. Food give us energy to continue functioning in our day. Thoughts we think vibrate at a frequency that can be measured. Happy or joyful thoughts vibrate at higher frequencies than sad or angry thoughts. Try this. Think a happy thought and notice what you are feeling in your body. Then think an unhappy thought. Again notice what that feels like in the body. Did your energy seem to shift? Thinking about doing something fun gives you energy and gets your feet moving. Think about something you would rather not do or have been avoiding, and it can be hard to get up out of the chair to move toward doing it. Right? We now know that when animals are traumatized right before they are killed, their meat can be tougher as the adrenaline rushed through their system and stayed there upon death. And that makes chemical sense. But also, we have all experienced the enhanced enjoyment of eating food made by someone we love or whom loves us, or whom enjoys the act of cooking. And as the saying goes, never eat food prepared by an angry person. The energies of the food, the person handling the food and your own energies at the moment, seem to effect the level of enjoyment. Maybe it should not surprise us that food made with love, joy and passion wouldn’t taste better than food created by machines with no thoughts at all. Perhaps food made by mechanical means could benefit by the loving intention of employees as the food moves out of the warehouse and into stores to be brought home by consumers to eat. You can bless your food at any point but has been done for hundreds of years by saying a blessing at the beginning of a meal. Maybe there is more value to this practice than we thought. You can even share gratitude with it all when it is still sitting in your grocery bag before it gets put away into the kitchen. I was doing this during COVID to ensure all was safe to bring into my home and for my body. But I should not have stopped that practice because really it is always my desire to be safe, healthy and well nourished by the food I eat. The owner of Wildly Beloved Foods in my town has a real passion for her pasta and has turned her passion into a thriving business in a very short amount of time. Her ambition and passion got her this far this fast. And, I believe, her love of what she is creating gets literally infused into her pasta. So much so that I notice when I eat it. The word love is even in the company name. Reminds me of Dr. Emoto’s water experiment. He observed that where varying thoughts were sent by a group to water and then the water was frozen and photographed, the higher frequency thoughts of love came through in the images as beautiful crystalline structures. The thoughts of hate came through as distorted and ugly, sick looking crystals. If the water had been also tasted, would there would have been a difference? Just a moment of appreciation directed to the food in your shopping bags goes a long way. Sending love to the food you prepare is good to, and if cooking for loved ones, you don’t even have to do more as it is already inherent in the efforts and thoughts (energy). Eating foods from local growers and manufacturers are tastier because they are fresher but also, I believe, simply because loving human hands handled the food during it’s creation. Maybe even purchased directly from them, enhancing it further. The chef coming to your table at a restaurant to ask how the food was, helps both the chef and the customer experience. As I taste the amazing flavors of local foods, I am in appreciation that my meal is not only sustaining me and the planet, that it is uplifting me in that moment through the delicious taste, aroma, and overall experience of it! That higher vibration I generate ripples out into the world. Slowing down to enjoy and appreciate your food can make a difference in the whole of our human experience. And after all, we are what we eat, right? Choose wisely and share gratitude for it and where it came from. What has been your experience around food? Please share below!
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11/18/2023 07:37:39 pm
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AuthorBringer of Light and Love. Transformation Facilitator. Lover of Mother Earth & Nature Archives
January 2025